Unticketing Logo (Decorative)

Obey the law and win!  

In the summer of 2023, people who drive in Cerro Gordo County joined Unticketing Cerro Gordo to win prizes like department store gift cards just for driving safely and observing the speed limit.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this mean the police and sheriff will stop issuing traffic tickets?
A: No, traffic violators will continue to be intercepted, warned, and ticketed exactly as in the past. What is different is that in addition to ticketing people for bad driving, police officers and deputy sheriffs will be rewarding people who operate safely and legally with the chance to win prizes.

Q: How will the prizes be given out?
A: Prizes will be sent by mail. No one will be pulled over to award a prize.

Q: Who is eligible?
A: Anyone who drives in Cerro Gordo County can enter the contest, as long as they are a licensed driver in good standing (not driving on an expired, revoked, or suspended license). People driving on learners’ permits are also welcome to enter. You do not need to be a Cerro Gordo County resident to enter – visitors are welcome to join the contest. But remember: you need to opt-in to win. (Employees of the three sponsoring agencies are not eligible).

Q: Are vehicles registered in Minnesota allowed?
A: Yes, you can enter a vehicle registered in any US state, Canadian province, or Mexican state. No commercial fleet vehicles, please.

Q: Are motorcycles and campers allowed?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I include more than 3 vehicles?
A: Yes, just fill out the form a second time to add a fourth, fifth, or sixth vehicle.

Q:  When does the contest start and end? How often will prizes be awarded?
A:  The contest started May 27, 2023 and the final drawing was held August 14, 2023. Prizes will be awarded every 2 weeks. The deadline to enter the contest was Friday, August 11, 2023 at 5:00 PM. 

Q:  Where will you be watching for people who drive safely and legally?
A:  All throughout Cerro Gordo County, but maybe a little more in places where we know speeding is a problem.

Q:  Can my business be recognized for donating prizes?
A:  Yes, participating businesses will be recognized in publicity about the Unticketing project. To make a donation please contact Chief Jeff Brinkley at the Mason City Police Department, jbrinkleyⓐmasoncity⋅net. 

Made possible by: Clear Lake Police Department, Mason City Police Department, Cerro Gordo County Sheriff's Office, Iowa Highway Research Board, and participating merchants.